
Friday, October 28, 2011

Here we go

I've been tinkering with the idea of starting a blog for a while.  I have found three thousand excuses not to.  In many cases, not so much excuses, but simple moves, like putting my mind elsewhere.  But one of those elsewheres took me here, ironically, and I started playing with Blogger and well, here we go. I may continue changing the format of the blog and adding bells and whistles as I go, but I have to get this thing off the ground and not wait until it is perfect.

I don't think my blog is going to have a theme.  I like too many things.  When I say I am eclectic, I am not kidding.  For many years I have envied those that get fixated on something, anything, and run with it forever.  I like to do a whole bunch of stuff, but there is nothing that I would classify as a passion.  So I have always perceived my eclectic nature as a negative.  As I grow older, I tend to be a bit more forgiving with myself, and I am starting to accept that this is the way I am, so be it.

Because I like to eat, drink, craft, read, listen to music, take photos and have opinions, this blog will probably have all of the above, and some.

By the way, if you have any suggestions for a rookie blogger, I am all ears!

Thank you for reading!

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